Kamis, 03 Januari 2019

Rev 2 WijiAstuti Implementation of Environmental Education

Implementation of Environmental Education
by :WijiAstuti

Adiwiyata is one of the key programs of the Ministry of Environment aimed at promoting knowledge and awareness about environmental conservation efforts among the student community in Indonesia. This program aims to support and make schoolwhich care and have culture of environment that is able to participant and do theconservation and sustainable development for this era and the next generation. Byimplementing this program, school’s citizen especially students are expected to havecharacter of caring and culturing, and also to support and form human resources who havenational character toward the development of economy, social and their environment toachieve the sustainable development in that area.This program aims to create a caring school environment. As such, it supports the development of policies in the field of learning, capacity building, environmental protection, creation of a healthy and clean school environment and the use of funds for activities related to solving environmental problems.
Adiwiyataschool according to Environment Minister (2011:3) is defined as a proper and ideal place to achieve all science knowledge and norm also ethics used for the base of human on prosperity life and sustainable development. Adiwiyataschool in Indonesia is develop to form character of nation toward norm and ethic. The important value being developed is care, especially environment care. Nevertheless other characters may not beshown by this program.The publicpolicy on the environmental education as the response of the world communities and the national demands aboutthe importance of knowledge, values, attitudes, behavior and knowledge about the environment that it is neededto be given early to the whole society and the learners.The implementation of adiwiyata program school is expected to be a variation inlearning process in order to grow student’s character. This is the based of research. It is needed to identity character value to improved instrument assessment of student’scharacter in Adiwiyata School.The implementation of adiwiyata program school is expected to be a variation inlearning process in order to grow student’s character (Setiawan, 2018.)
The implementation of the important policies should beimplemented in the Environmental Education which is integrated with the character education which ispositioned as a separate subject or a comprehensive approach.  So, it is more effective in achievement of theobjectives. The role of the school principals and teachers are very strategic to optimize the exemplary attitudesby the constructivist and contextual learning model.Adiwiyata program will be succeeding if every civilian of school such as headmasters, teachers, administrativestaffs, individual service officers, and school committees in relation to involve in this program
From the above discussion, this program aims to create a caring school environment. As such, it supports the development of policies in the field of learning, capacity building, environmental protection, creation of a healthy and clean school environment and the use of funds for activities related to solving environmental problems ,adiwiyata also can increase the competence of school output. The output competence of education consists of cognitive, affective and psychomotor of knowledge of logical, affective is relating to attitude and behavior, while psychomotor is relating to skill. Attitude and behavior of someone is based on character inside him (Mardapi and Setiawan, 2018).
Mardapi, D &Setiawan,A. (2018), PenilaianAfektif, Yogyakarta: Parama Publishing
MenteriLingkunganHidupRepublik Indonesia. (2013).  PeraturanMenteriLingkunganHidupRepublik Indonesia No. 05 Tahun 2013 tentangPedomanPelaksanaan Program Adiwiyata. http:blh.jogjaprov.go.id/po-content/uploads/Permen-LH-No-05-th-2013-Tentang-Pedoman Adiwiyata.pdf  
Razif. M dkk( 2017) .Investigating Citizen Behavior Intention on Mandatory and Voluntary Pro-Environmental Programs through a Pro-Environmental Planned Behavior Model. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/7/1289

Santoso,B.I&Razif.M ( 2016). Prediction of CO, CO2, CH4, and N2O Vehicle Emissions from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) at Toll Road of Krian-Legundi-Bunder in East Java of Indonesia.http://www.sphinxsai.com/2016/ch_vol9_no3/3/(653-664)V9N3CT.pdf.
Setiawan,A. &Suhesti, S.D. (2018). Identification of Character Values OnAdiwiyata School, Proceeding International on Education). http://jurnal.ustjogja.ac.id

Rev 1 Toto Wibawa Children in anxiety

Children in anxiety
By Toto Wibawa

It is important to remember that inclusive education is not just about the particular school or class a child attends. It is also about what goes on in that school or class. Inclusive education means encouraging each child to take part in the everyday activity of the school, and helping every child to achieve the most from school. Inclusive education means ensuring that the system adjusts to meet children’s needs, rather than expecting children to ‘fit’ into the system. What is a Learning Disability?. A special educational need represents only one aspect of a child’s development; it should not define the child. There are many other dimensions to a child’s development including personality, the ability to communicate (verbal and non-verbal), resilience and strength, the ability to appreciate and enjoy life, and the desire to learn, whatever their potential ability.
Student with special needs is a student with specifically different mental, social, emotional, or physical characteristics from those of a normal student (Lakshita, 2017:7). Student with special needs is classified into several categories namely: student with visual impairment, student with hearing impairment, student with speech impairment, student with intellectual disability, student with physical impairment, student with emotional and social impairment, and gifted student ( Setiawan. A 2018)

A special educational need represents only one aspect of a child’s development; it should not define the child. There are many other dimensions to a child’s development including personality, the ability to communicate (verbal and non-verbal), resilience and strength, the ability to appreciate and enjoy life, and the desire to learn, whatever their potential ability.
The definition of ‘special education’ has raised considerable debate among professionals, parents and the individuals directly involved. Certain terminologies have emerged to describe those people needing particular types of education, including: ‘exceptional children’, ‘handicapped children’ and ‘children with special education needs’. These children are recognized as having mental, emotional, physical or social needs which, following a diagnosis may require therapeutic intervention or special care by qualified specialists (Foreman, 2009). The term ‘Special Educational Needs’ (SEN) was proposed by the Warnock Report (Department of Education and Science, DES, 1978).
How are a Child’s Educational Needs Assessed?.  The class teacher plays a key role in assessing, supporting and teaching children with special educational needs. They can be supported in their work by resource and learning support teachers. Other professionals may become involved to provide further in-depth assessment to highlight pupils’ learning strengths and needs, where this is required.
Bell Steven (2017). Nine Student Needs Academic Librarians Need to Know.
Cohen Melisa (2018). Student guide to surviving stress and anxiety in college and beyond.
Hansen.C.D& Bryant.D (2005). Assessing Student Needs  in Web-Based Distance Education.
Sariangga,T.A (2015). The Implementation of Teaching English Speaking Skill for Autis Student. Thesis.
Setiawan,A. & Astuti.W (2018). Development of Children’s Anxiety Test Special Needs . (Proceeding International on Education). http://jurnal.ustjogja.ac.id\

Rabu, 02 Januari 2019


Oleh: Amin Suprapto

Pendidikan karakter adalah belajar mengenai kebiasaan dalam berfikir dan berperilaku untuk membentuk setiap individu untuk saling bekerja sama dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Jika dikaitkan dengan pendidikan lingkungan, maka hal ini tidak lepas dari penerapan program adiwiyata pada sekolah yang di dalamnya mencakup kegiatan lingkungan berbasis partisipatif melibatkan semua warga sekolah untuk ikut serta dalam pengelolaan lingkungan.
Menurut Asmani (2012:42), tujuan dari pendidikan karakter adalah untuk meningkatkan mutu penyelenggaraan dan hasil di sekolah yang mengarah pada pencapaian pembentukan karakter dan akhlak mulia siswa secara utuh, terpadu, dan seimbang sesuai dengan standar kompetensi lulusan.
Menurut Soerjani (2009:52) Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup merupakan program pendidikan untuk membina siswa agar memiliki pengertian, kesadaran sikap, perilaku yang rasional serta bertanggung jawab terhadap alam dan terlaksananya pembangunan yang berkelanjutan melalui program sekolah yang biasa disebut dengan program adiwiyata.
Berikut beberapa karakter yang bisa dikembangkan pada program adiwiyata: (1) disiplin: adiwiyata mengajarkan peserta didik untuk disiplin dalam menjaga kebersihan sekolahnya, (20 bertanggung jawab dan kerja sama: program adiwiyata tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik tanpa adanya kerja sama dan anggung jawab yang tinggi dari semua warga sekolah, (3) responsif dan pro-aktif: untuk menjaga lingkungan diperlukan sikap responsif atau mau bekerja tanpa disuruh terlebih dahulu, (4) jujur: siswa harus berperilaku jujur apakah mereka sudah melaksanakan tugas dengan baik atau belum, misalnya piket, (5) ikhlas: tidak mengharapkan pujian dan hadiah apapun dalam melaksanakan tugasnya menjaga lingkungan, (6) kerja keras: setiap warga sekolah harus mau beerja keras menjaga kebersihan lingkungan, karena mustahil suatu sekolah bisa menjadi sekolah adiwiyata tanpa kerja keras.
Menurut Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup (2009:3) Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup yang sudah dikembangkan semenjak tanggal 21 februari 2006 yang diterapkan melalui program Adiwiyata, dengan tujuan mendorong warga sekolah khususnya siswa untuk peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan sekaligus mendukung dan mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki karakter bangsa terhadap perekembangan ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungannya dalam mencapai pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Pembiasaan perilaku peduli lingkungan akan membentuk karakter siswa yang oada akhirnya akan membentuk kebiasaan untuk menjaga, merawat, dan melestarikan lingkungan. Program adiwiyata merupakan tanggung jawab semua pihak dalam mewujudkan generasi yang peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan melalui pembiasaan-pembiasaan yang dilakukan di sekolah. Menurut Akpan et al (2003) menyatakan konsep dasar dalam membentuk perilaku peduli lingkungan dibutuhkan tiga unsur, yaitu faktor institusional, strategi pendidikan, serta pengetahuan dan nilai. Faktor institusional berkaitan dengan ketersediaan dana dan fasilitas yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan lingkungan. Strategi pendidikan merupakan hasil kebijakan guna meningkatkan pengetahuan, sedangkan nilai nantinya akan mempengaruhi perilaku peduli lingkungan.
Dalam penerapannya di sekolah, program adiwiyata harus terintegrasi dengan Kurikulum 2013 melalui pengembangan Kompetensi Dasar (KD), Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK) yang kemudian dikembangkan pada Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) semua mata pelajaran yang ada di sekolah. Melalui hal tersebut, pendidikan karakter terutama yang berhubungan dengan kepedulian terhadap pelestarian lingkungan dicantumkan. Selain itu, semua media yang ada di lingkungan sekolah juga harus tercantum pada RPP. Guru adalah ujung tombak pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter melalui adiwiyata karena guru adalah orang yang langsung berinteraksi dengan anak didiknya.

Daftar Pustaka
Akpan, I, et al. 2003. Strategies for Promoting Pro Environmental Behaviour Among University of Waterloo Students. Skripsi. Universitas Waterloo.

Asmani, Ma’mur, Jamal.2012. Buku Panduan Internalisasi Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah. PT Diva Press.

Kementrian Negera Lingkungan Hidup. 2009. Wujud Sekolah Perduli dan Berbudaya Lingkungan dilengkapai Panduan Materi Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup. Jakarta: Badan Lingkungan Hidup Jawa Timur.

Prantiasih, Arbaiyah dan Moch. Yudhi Batubara. Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Pada Program Adiwiyata Melalui Kegiatan Lingkungan Berbasis Partisipatif di SMK N 1 Turen

Soerjani, Mohamad.2009. Pendidikan Lingkungan Sebagai Dasar Kearifan Sikap dan Perilaku Bagi Kelangsungan Kehidupan Menuju Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Universitas Indonesia (UI-Press)


Oleh : Amin Suprapto

Menurut Orin (2013), anak kesulitan belajar adalah anak yang memiliki tingkat intelegensi normal, bahkan diatas normal. Hanya saja memiliki kesulitan dalam beberapa mata pelajaran tertentu, menunjukkan nilai yang baik pada mata pelajaran yang lainnya. Sedangkan anak lamban belajar adalah anak yang kurang mampu menguasai pengetahuan dalam batas waktu yang telah ditentukan karena ada faktor tertentu yang memperngaruhinya. Hai ini biasanya disebabkan oleh faktor IQ, sehingga memiliki prestasi yang rendah. Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang mengalami keterbatasan, baik fisik, mental intelektual, sosial, maupun emosional, yang berpengaruh secara signifikan dalam proses pertumbuhan atau perkembangan dibandingkan dengan anak-anak lain yang seusia (Winarsih, 2013:8).
Sekolah yang dianggap tepat untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah sekolah inklusi. Sekolah inklusi adalah sekolah regular yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anak yang memiliki kelainan dan memiliki potensi kecerdasan dan bakat istimewa pada satu kesatuan yang sistemik (Ilahi, 2013: 25).
Penyelenggaraan sekolah inklusi di Indonesia, dilatarbelakangi oleh hak anak untuk memperoleh pendidikan. Setiap makhluk mempunyai kebutuhan. Sebagai makhluk Tuhan yang dianggap mempunyai derajat tertinggi di antara makhluk lainnya, manusia mempunyai kebutuhan yang paling banyak dan kompleks. Kebutuhan manusia secara umum mencakup kebutuhan fisik atau kesehatan, kebutuhan sosial emosional,dan kebutuhan pendidikan (Wardani, 2011: 1.34). Tidak berbeda dengan orang-orang normal, anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus juga mempunyai kebutuhan yang sama.
Sistem penilaian yang biasa digunakan dalam menentukan kenaikan kelas peserta didik di sekolah inklusif didasarkan pada ketercapaian kecakapan mental. Sebagian besar anak berkebutuhan khusus tidak dapat naik kelas dikarenakan belum memenuhi standar ketuntasan belajar dan kenaikan kelas yang sudah ditentukan. Sistem penilaian hasil belajar bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus selama ini disamakan dengan peserta didik yang lainnya. Ketidakpahaman guru terhadap sistem penilaian hasil belajar dan penentuan kenaikan kelas bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus menyebabkan guru memperlakukan penilaian yang sama dengan peserta didik lainnya.
Menurut Kustawan (2012:68) prinsip-prinsip yang harus diperhatikan dalam penilaian pembelajaran untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, antara lain:
a. Sahih, penilaian didasarkan pada data yang mencerminkan kemampuan yang diukur.
b. Objektif, penilaian didasarkan pada prosedur dan kriteria yang jelas untuk menghindari subjektivitas dalam penilaian hasil belajar.
c. Adil, penilaian tidak menguntungkan atau merugikan peserta didik karena perbedaan latar belakang, agama, suku, budaya, adat istiadat, status sosial, dan gender tetapi memperhatikan jenis kebutuhan khusus peserta didik.
d. Terpadu, penilaian merupakan suatu komponen yang tidak dapat terpisahkan dari kegiatan pembelajaran.
e. Terbuka/transparan, dasar pengambilan keputusan dalam penilaian dapat diketahui oleh pihak yang berkepentingan.
f. Menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan, penilaian harus sesuai dengan aspek penanganan hambatan dan hasil belajar yang sifatnya akademik maupun non akademik mencakup semua aspek kompetensi untuk merekam perkembangan kemampuan peserta didik sesuai dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan individual Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus.
g. Sistematis, penilaian dilakukan secara berencana dan bertahap mengikuti langkah-langkah sesuai dengan kondisi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus.
h. Beracuan kriteria, penilaian didasarkan pada ukuran pencapaian yang mencerminkan
Adapun fungsi dari penilaian (Assessment) meliputi Screening & Indentification (penyaringan dan penjaringan), Child’s Educational Needs exploration (eksplorasi kebutuhan belajar anak) dan Intructional Planning (perencanaan pembelajaran) serta Evaluation (penilaian hasil). Dalam Screening dan identification dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data siapakah anak yang mengalami hambatan belajar (memiliki kebutuhan khusus) baik yang bersifat internal baik kebutuhan khusus karena factor diri anak itu sendiri (kecacatan atau keberbakatan) maupun bersifat eksternal, kebutuhan khusus akibat sistem/lingkungan. Sedangkan fungsi dalam eksplorasi kebutuhan belajar anak untuk mendapatkan data tentang apa yang sudah dikuasai anak saat ini, apa yang menjadi hambatan bagi anak untuk belajar dan apa yang menjadi kebutuhan belajarnya.
Penilaian hasil belajar oleh pendidik dilakukan secara berkesinambungan untuk memantau proses, kemajuan dan perbaikan hasil belajar tersebut akan melahirkan pembelajaran yang bermakna khususnya Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus. Penilaian hasil belajar oleh satuan pendidikan bertujuan menilai pencapaian standar lulusan SKL pada mata pelajaran Kekhususan dan vokasional dengan mempertimbangkan hasil penilaian peserta didik. Proses penilaian hasil belajar anak berkebutuhan khusus dapat diperhatikan melalui cara penilaian berdasarkan jenis penilain yang ada. Contohnya pada ulangan harian soal yang tetap disamakan antara anak berkebutuhan khusus dengan anak normal. Seharusnya soal ataupun tugas yang diberikan pada anak berkebutuhan khusus di bedakan dengan anak normal sesuai dengan kemampuan anak berkebutuhan khusus ini.


IG. A.K. Wardani. 2009. Pengantar Pendidikan Luar Biasa. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka

Ilahi, Mohammad Takdir. 2013. Pendidikan Inklusi Konsep dan Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media

Kustawan, Dedy.2012.Pendidikan Inklusi dan Upaya Implementasinya.Jakarta:PT Luximo Metor Media.

Oktorima, Orin. 2013 Penelitian Hasil Belajar Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Di Sekolah Penyelenggara Inklusif SD N 01 Limau Manis (Penelitian Studi Kasus).

Winarsih, Sri. 2013. Panduan Penanganan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Bagi Pendamping (Orang Tua, Keluarga, dan Masyarakat). jakarta: Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia.

Rev 2 Umbar Sapta Riyanti Anxiety Test for Special Students

Anxiety Test for Special Students
By UmbarSaptaRiyanti
Students with special needs have a relatively more sensitive personality compared to normal students who is a student with specifically different mental, social, e specifically different mental, social, emotional, or physical characteristics from those of a normal student (Lakshita, 2017: 7). They are classified into several categories, namely: students with visual impairment, students with hearing impairment, students with speech impairment, students with intellectual disability, student with physical impairment, students with emotional and social impairment, and gifted students. Every students are falling under each categories have their own level of social anxiety along with its characteristics.
Anxiety is emotional response toward perceived view, indicating the feeling of fear, nervousness, and insecurity accompanied by various physical responses. It may occur in various contexts of situation or due to illness. This reactions often followed by the urge to escape the source of anxiety (Stuart and Sundeen, 1998). Anxiety is nonspecific sign and reaction resulted from autonomous nervous system activity upon uncertain, nonspecific, as well as of found threat, and usually is a normal emotional response (Carpenito, 2000). Freud (Calvin S. Hall, 1993) identified three types of anxiety, namely: realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety, and moral anxiety.
The development of test instrument was implemented using modified procedure recommended by Mccoach(2013; 277-283), consisting of the following nine steps. Based on the result of trial testing analysis, the instruments develop used to collect data at SLB by involving 102 students as respondents. It aimed to figure out the member of components formed and the items valid for the test. Instrument reliability was calculated using Cronbach’s Alpha test.
Reliability is correlation between the scale of item and the respondents answering said item (Robinson, 1991: 10). The concept of reliability means the degree to which is an instrument produce reliable result (SaifudinAzwar, 2014: 7). Estimation of Instrument’s Reliabilityis calculated using internal consistency approach of Cronbach’s Alpha formula. Reliability value obtained from Cronbach’s Alpha approach was 0,832. Five components were found from the anxiety test developed, indicated by the acquired eiqen value.Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that the instrument of anxiety test used to identify anxiety on student with special needs is valid and reliable.

Setiawan, A. &Astuti, W. (2010).Development of Children’s Anxiety Test Special Needs, Proceding International Seminar on Education. 2018. p. 91-96. http://jurnal.ustjogja.ac.id
Saifudin Anwar. (2014). ValiditasdanReliabilitas.Yogyakarta :PustakaPelajar.

Rev 1 Umbar Sapta Riyanti The Social Attitude Test for Primary

The Social Attitude Test for Primary
By Umbar Sapta Riyanti

          There are three domains of learning outcomes that a studentachieves in a learning process, namely: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains ( KrathWold, Bloom, &Masia, 1973. p. 6-7. As a result learning, including integrated thematic approach model. A successful learning is defined by behavior (affective) as well as environment (Ratnawati, 2016).The assessment of social attitude cannot be done in the same way as that of the cognitive domain (such as by giving questions). An assessment applying three assessment methods (integrated) has not been conducted. Those, this is very important to do because by doing the assessment integrating self-assessment, peer assessment, and observational assessment, the results will be more adequate.
          As previously mentioned, the results of the research are divided into two parts.The first result is the assessment based on the social attitude components covering honesty, discipline, responsibility, politeness, care, and confidence. The second result deals with the social attitude value along with the description which can be used to fill out the report of the learning outcome. The results also present that the social attitude assessment is integratedcomponents developing the attitudes such as honesty, discipline, responsibility, politeness, care, and also confidence. The social attitude is the result of response to the social stimuli contained in the thematic learning. This is supported by Lapierre in Azwar (2015, p.5) who proposes that social situation is a pattern of behavior, anticipative tendency or readiness, predisposition to adapt to social situation, or simply social attitude is a response towards conditioned social stimulus.
          Finally, the results are divided into two parts. The first results in the assessment based on the components of social attitude covering honesty, discipline, responsibility, politeness, care, and confidence. The second result deals with the social attitude value along with the description which can be used to fill out the report of the learning outcome.

Setiawan, A. & Suardiman, S. P. (2018). Assessment of The Social Attitude of Primary School Students, Reid (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2018. p. 12-21. DOI: http://journal.uny.ac.id/undex.plp/reid.
Azwar, S. (2015). Skala Penguykuran Sikap Manusia. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Rev 2 Indartiningsih Seven Test Taking Tips for your Child with Special Needs

Seven Test Taking Tips for your Child with Special Needs

By Indartiningsih
Will your child be taking standardized tests this spring? I don’t know about you, but I remember test taking in school. It still makes my stomach hurt. Our children are exposed to test taking from a very early age. Tests can induce a barrage of responses from anxiety, to sleeplessness, to outbursts to lack of appetite. Having a few great tips for test taking can minimize anxiety levels and really give your kids an edge on being a great test taker. Ilena Danneman (2015) said, lets take a look:
1. Minimize test talk
My biggest concern with test taking is the impact from parents and teachers who are overly concerned with testing. This filters down to children and can really send across the wrong message.
We want great learners. Testing has its place, but be sure that your conversations are centered on learning more than test taking. Remind them that test taking is not always an indication of how much they know but how well they express their knowledge and follow directions (Kaplan, 1982).
It is also an indicator as to how well their teacher and school prepared them, so it is a test for the school too and they are helping their school be a better school by doing their very best. With that said, testing is a part of school and an ounce of preparation can go far.
2. Prepare
If your child has regular tests or needs help with test preparations, help them set up a schedule to spread out the preparation so they are doing a bit each day and not cramming the night before. This is a great lesson for life in general and can not only minimize stress but also really impact how well they perform. It also teaches them organizational skills and responsibility (Lakhsita, 1992).
In addition, preparing the day of a test, with a good breakfast and some swing, exercise or heavy work can really improve their mood and ability to perform with focus and attention. Make sure your child goes to the test prepared with pencils, erasers, paper and a pencil topper as well! (Robert Jannis, 1982)
3. Comfort Zone
Is the testing area conducive to test taking? Sit down and talk with your teachers if your child has particular needs. Do they need a carrel, wiggle cushion, weighted vest or headphones to perform better? Maybe a timer would help them stay on task? All of these can make a difference in comfort and thus in performance.
4. Take Your Time
Remind your child to fill in bubbles properly, read direction carefully, read questions carefully, thinking of the answer first, and to review all answer choices from their own answer.
5. Get Up and Move
Find out if your child will get a sensory or movement break. Encourage the school to allow these for your children. Even a walk to the bathroom in-between sections can make a difference as can a few jumping jacks or chair pushups.
6. Sleep Tight
Make sure your children get a good night sleep the night before a test. Eliminate screen time, video games, sweets and caffeine the night before. A warm bath can help as well. If your child benefits from weight or pressure, a weighted blanket may just do the trick.
7. Funny can be functional
Tell your child a joke on the way to school. Watch a funny video the morning of the test. Remind them of something funny you both experienced. Get their mood up! An elevated spirit can really make a difference and put things into the proper perspective.
 Anxiety often occurs to student with special needs while socializing. Up to present, anxiety on student with special needs is difficult to record properly due to the limited assessment instrument. Incorrect measures to detect anxiety on Student with special needs may disrupt their socialization process (Setiawan and Astuti, 2018).
So, the right test will be needed.

Ari Setiawan and Widi Astuti. 2018.  Development of Children's Anxiety Test Special Needs.
 Proceeding International Seminar on Education Innovation Issues and Challenges in Education for Education Sustainability Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa .
Ilea Danneman. 2015. Seven Test Taking Tips for your Child with Special Needs. Parenting , Special Education. www.friendshipcircle.org
Garnida, Dadang. 2017. Modul Pembinaan Karier Guru Tunagrahita Kelompok Kompetensi A, Pedagogik: Karakteristik Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Profesional: Konsep Dasar Program Pengembangan Diri Anak Tunagrahita. Bandung: PPPPTK TK dan PLB Bandung.

Kaplan, Robert M. & Saccuzo, Daniss P. (1982). Psychological testing: principles, application and issues. Monterey: Brooks Cole Publisihing Company.

Lakshita, Nattaya. 2012. Belajar Bahasa Isyarat untuk Anak Tunarungu (Dasar). Yogyakarta: Javalitera

Rev 1 Indartiningsih Character Values of Adiwiyata School

Character Values of Adiwiyata School

By Indartiningsih

There were various problems faced by Indonesia today increased the spirit and the efforts of government to prioritize character building as the basic of education development. The spirit asserted implicitly in the Character Education Reinforcement movement (PPK) as the embodiment of the National Movement of the Mental Revolution (GNRM) as well as a part of Integral Nawacita. Character building placed as the base to realize the vision of national development (Triwardani & Sarmini, 2013).
The government efforts to improve nation moral decline, especially the awareness of environment, were by introducing character building especially the value of environmental caring in the school (Mulyana, 2009; Potter, 2010). The realization of the agreement between the Minister of Environment and the Minister of National Education on 21 February 2006, proclaimed Adiwiyata program or School Cares and Cultured environment (Isnaeni, 2013).
The Adiwiyata Program was a step to create a school that has commitment to educate students who were care and cultured environment (KLH, 2013). Adiwiyata Program provided award on a graded from Adiwiyata School at City / District level, Province, National and Mandiri.
The Principles of Adiwiyata Program placed on two basic principles: (1) Participatory: School communities involved in school management which covering the whole process of planning, implementation and evaluation according to the responsibilities and the roles, (2) Sustainability: All activities must be planned and continuously comprehensive (Barkatin, 2016).
The Adiwiyata school indicators included (1) Development of school polices which have environmentally sound; (2) Development of curriculum which was environment-based; (3) Development of activities which was participative-based; (4) Development and management of school support facilities (Hidayati et al., 2013).
The word character derived from the Greek ’charassein’, which means to engrave (painting, drawing), like a person who painting paper, carving stones or metal. Rooted in that explanation, then character interpreted as a sign or a special feature, and thus rised a view that character was the pattern of behavior that have individual feature, the moral state of a person (Sudrajat, 2011). The character formed from the nature of a person's descriptions that relatively stable and believed also used as a foundation of perspective, thinking, attitude and action (Kemendikbud, 2011; Stedje, 2010; Ovadia & Steger, 2010).
 It was also confirmed by the results of research Chou et al. (2013) which states that "Morality and character is one of the most important tenets of education".
The value of the characters examined in this study is the value of environmental care. The value of environmental carring was an attitude and an actions that always try to prevent the damage of nature and develop the efforts to repair natural damaged. The value of environmental carring was demonstrated by an attitudes and an actions to develop the efforts to repair the natural damaged (Azzet, 2011). Kollmuss & Agyeman (2002) described environmental caring behavior as a behavior that consciously attempts to minimize the negative impact caused by someone activity on the environment. Kaiser & Fuhrer (2003) Umi Fadlilah, Sri Ngabekti, Lisdiana. / JISE 7 (1) 2018 : 53-61 55 mentioned that environmental cares included six domains: energy saving, mobility and environmentally friendly transportation, eco-friendly purchasing behavior, recycling, environmental caring behavior, and waste minimization behavior.
The competence of output is not only for the graduate but also for the society. So a graduate must have good character that his competence can be useful for the society.
Adiwiyata program will be succeeding if every civilian of school, such as teachers, student’s and staffs involved in this program. School program also support every component of Adiwiyata School. Every component of adiwiyata program has a role condition of school environment in habiting the value of care especially care of school environment. This program is done by elementary to senior high school even college or university. The sustainable of this program by education institution can grow the care character as a habit. So that the goal of adiwiyata will be reached (Setiawan and Suhesti, 2018).


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Rev 2 Angela Retno Suryandari HS ( 2017082019 ) Evaluasi Dengan Pendekatan Formatif Dari Scriven

Judul                      :  Evaluasi Dengan Pendekatan Formatif Dari Scriven
Penulis                   :  Dian Sri Suhesti, Ari Setiawan
Reviewer                :  Angela  Retno Suryandari HS ( 2017082019 )
Kelas                      :  Pengasih B-1
Tanggal                  :  30 Desember 2018

Mengacu pada Permendikbud nomor 022 tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan bahwa proses pembelajaran pada satuan pendidikan diselenggarakan secara interaktif, inspiratif, menyenangkan , menantang , memotifasi peserta didik untuk berpartisipasi aktif, serta memberikan ruang yang cukup bagi prakarsa, kreativitas, dan kemandirian sesuai dengan bakat , minat, dan perkembangan fisik serta psikologis peserta didik . Untuk itu para pakar pendidikan merancang berbagai strategi dan model pembelajaran.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut bahwa penelitian evaluasi merupakan suatu prosedur ilmiah yang sitematis yang dilakukan untuk mengukur hasil program atau proyek
 ( efektifitas suatu program ) sesuai dengan tujuan yang direncanakan atau tidak.
Evaluasi hasil Pembelajaran dilakukan saat proses pembelajaran dan di akhir satuan pelajaran dengan menggunakan metode dan alat berupa tes lisan /perbuatan dan tes tulis.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah evaluasi dengan pendekatan formatif yang dikemukakan oleh Scriven. Evaluasi formatif difungsikan sebagai pengumpulan data pada waktu pendidikan masih berlangsung
Responden berjumlah 58 siswa dengan teknik pengumpulan data memakai instrument berupa kuesioner dengan model sumatifratingscale. Teknik analisis data adalah diskriptif kuantiatif, dengan bantuan excel.
     Ada 2 Hasil penelitian:
a.       Proses pembelajaran kaitannya dengan pendahuluan  dengan hasil 55,17 % dari seluruh responden menilai baik.
b.       Proses pembelajaran kaitanya dengan model pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru dengan hasil 51,73% dari seluruh responden menilai baik.
Penilaian pembelajaran merupakan tahap penting, selain sebagai bahan evaluasi penilaian ini juga memberikan tolok ukur keberhasilan pembelajaran.
1.        Kekuatan dalam penelitian ini alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian berupa kuesioner cukup mudah digunakan oleh sebjek peneliti sehingga dalam pengambilan datanya tidak dibutuhkan waktu yang lama seperti pada penelitian kualitatif.
2.        Teori dan model analisis yang digunakan tepat.
3.        Bahasa yang digunakan penulis mudah dipahami maksud dan tujuan oleh pembaca. Analisisnya sangat rinci dan mudah dipahami.
4.        Penulis sangat detai dalam menyimpulkan keseluruhan  isi dari jurnal .
5.        Penulis sangat detail dalam memberikan hasil yang didapat dalam melalukan penelitian.
Ariapati, Lalu Wirya & Budiningsih,C Asri ( 2017 ). Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 Di SD Negeri Serayu Yogyakarta . Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan Vol. 04, No. 2 . ( pp. 185-200)

Arikunto, S, ( 2007 ). Manajemen Penelitian, Jakarta : Rineka Cipta

Devi, P. Kamalia. ( 2017 ) . Modul Pengembangan Keprofesionalan Berkelanjutan KIMIA SMA Terintegrasi Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Kelompok Kompetensi D. ( Pp 8-40 ). Jakarta: PPPPTK IPA Dirjen Kemendikbud

Mendikbud RI. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 022 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Penilaian ( 2013 )

Setiawan, A, & Suhesti, Dian, S, Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kimia SMA Kurikulum 2013, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan, UST,Yogyakarta

Rev 2 WijiAstuti Implementation of Environmental Education

Implementation of Environmental Education by :WijiAstuti Adiwiyata is one of the key programs of the Ministry of Environment aimed a...