Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Rev 1 Ruddi Hartanto Character Assessment of Adiwiyata School Students

Character Assessment of Adiwiyata School Students
By : Ruddi Hartanto

The implementation of national character education in the adiwiyata program conducted by the school has been going well. In forming the character of the child becomes a person who is aware of the culture of love of the environment and increases the ability of students as members of society in conducting reciprocal relations of environment and culture, also in channeling and developing the potential and talent of students to become human creativity and full of works, almost all of these linked to character education. There are 18 characters of values ​​in the development of cultural and national character education made by the Ministry of National Education (2011). One of them is the Character of Environmental Care, which is the goal of the Adiwiyata school program.
This program aims to support and create schools that care and have an environmental culture that is able to participate and carry out conservation and sustainable development for this era and the next generation. The existence of the environment will affect between living things and their habitat growth, including humans. The human attitude towards the environment, the effect will return to themselves (Hamzah, 2011: 3). Adiwiyata School according to the Minister of Environment (2011: 3) is defined as the right and ideal place to achieve all the knowledge and norms and ethics that are used for the human foundation in the life of prosperity and sustainable development.
From the discussion above, adiwiyata can improve school output competencies. Educational output competencies consist of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Adiwiyata program A person's attitude and behavior are based on his inner character (Mardapi and Setiawan, 2018). Output competency is not only for graduates but also for the community. So a graduate must have a good character that his competence can be useful to society. It takes a standard instrument that can assess student character education in adiwiyata school programs. According to Setiawan (2018: 66), in his research which aimed to produce character value instruments in schools that implement adiwiyata programs, 19 valid results were obtained by forming 7 factors (components) based on eigenvalues. The reliability value is 0.650 in the medium category, which means that the instrument is reliable. These results indicate that instruments to identify the character values ​​of students in schools can be used. So it can be concluded that there is a standard instrument that can assess student character education in the adiwiyata school program.


Hamzah, Sukri. (2013). Pendidikan Lingkungan Sekelumit Wawasan Pengantar. Bandung : PT Refika Aditama 

Mardapi, D & Setiawan, A. (2018), Penilaian Afektif, Yogyakarta: ParamaPublishing

            Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia. (2013). Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia No. 05 Tahun 2013 tentang  Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Adiwiyata. http://blh.jogjaprov.go.id/po-content/uploads/Permen-LH-No05-th-2013-Tentang-Pedoman Adiwiyata.pdf (diakses 28 Juli 2018)

Setiawan, A.  & Suhesti, D.S. (2018). Identification of Character ValuesOn Adiwiyata School , Proceeding International Seminar on Education Innovation Issues and Challenges in Education for Education Sustainability Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa 25th, 25(8), 2018. p. 66- 71.

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