Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Rev 2 Kristina Character Values On Adiwiyata School

Character Values On Adiwiyata School
By Kristina

In 1996, Education Department and Environment Ministry which renewed in 2005 and 2010 started to develop Education Environment Program at school from elementary to high school through an adiwiyata program. This program aims to support and make school which care and have culture of environment that is able to participant and do the conservation and sustainable development for this era and the next generation. By implementing this program, school’s citizen especially students are expected to have character of caring and culturing, and also to support and form human resources who have national character toward the development of economy, social and their environment to achieve the sustainable development in that area.
Adiwiyata school according to Environment Minister (2011:3) is defined as a proper and ideal place to achieve all science knowledge and norm also ethics used for the base of human on prosperity life and sustainable development. Adiwiyata school in Indonesia is develop to form character of nation toward norm and ethic. The important value being developed is care, especially environment care. Nevertheless other characters may not be shown by this program. According to Environment Ministry Law No.5, in 2013 adiwiyata school is done based on educative, participative and sustainable principle. This program is integrated in every subject, including chemistry. Chemistry is mainly divided into, organic and inorganic chemistry. Society judges that chemical which is used in daily life is dangerous to human. This chemical is inorganic chemistry. While chemistry is not inorganic. The chemicals in the world can not be separated from chemistry because it is the branch of science that deals with the composition and structure of matter and the changes that matter undergoes. Matter is anything that has mass and occupies spaces, which means just about anything you consider (Myers, R : 2003). Our body, the air our breathe are all examples of matter. Matter is simply the stuff that makes up our universe. By studying chemistry, student are expected to know the composition and the structure of matter in the surroundings so they will do and use it wisely.
Adiwiyata program has a close relationship to chemistry. Chemistry that the students acquire in the class is hoped to be used and support adiwiyata program. So that chemistry not just be theory but can be implemented in the reality. Adiwiyata program will be succeeding if every civilian of school, such as teachers, student’s dan staffs involved in this program. School program also support every component of Adiwiyata School. Every component of adiwiyata program has a role condition of school environment in habiting the value of care especially care of school environment. This program is done by elementary to senior high school even college or university. The sustainable of this program by education institution can grow the care character as a habit. So that the goal of adiwiyata will be reached.
From the above discussion, adiwiyata can increase the competence of school output. The output competence of education consists of cognitive, affective and psychomotor of knowledge of logical, affective is relating to attitude and behavior, while psychomotor is relating to skill. Attitude and behavior of someone is based on character inside him (Mardapi and Setiawan, 2018). The competence of output is not only for the graduate but also for the society. So a graduate must have good character that his competence can be useful for the society.
Through these years the government tries to build character in education but school emphasis more on cognitive. This is because cognitive based competence is easier to do than affective. Cognitive competence involves knowledge, understanding, application and other intellectual skills. While affective involves attitude, value, moral, emotion, etcetera (Mardhapi and Setiawan, 2018). Psychomotor competence relates to motion skill. Cognitive competence is needed all people in understanding the nature and life phenomenon smartly. Having cognitive competence, men are able to know and solve the problem rationally, logically, consider and decide a decision or even men can reach higher logic, able to conclude, decide and judge. Affective competence which is character to the aspect had founder the attitude and behaviour of someone. So that education always tries to find strategic to do character education well so that the output can be success in the society.
Learning process in the schools hasn’t come to the level of making students enjoy studying and grow talent to learn deeply on an object. This is because students most learn many lessons with full material in limited time. As a result many students do not like studying. This is a challenge on education institution to improve strategy so that studying is a need for student.
The implementation of adiwiyata program school is expected to be a variation in learning process in order to grow student’s character. This is the based of research. It is needed to identity character value to improved instrument assessment of student’s character in Adiwiyata School.

Hamzah, Sukri. (2013). Pendidikan Lingkungan Sekelumit Wawasan Pengantar. Bandung : PT Refika Aditama

Mardapi, D & Setiawan, A. (2018), Penilaian Afektif, Yogyakarta: ParamaPublishing
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia. (2013). Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia No. 05 Tahun 2013 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Adiwiyata. http://blh.jogjaprov.go.id/po-content/uploads/Permen-LH-No-05-th-2013-Tentang-Pedoman Adiwiyata.pdf (diakses 28 Juli 2018)
Myers, Richard. (2003). The Basic of Chemistry. London : Greenwood Press
Setiawan, A, & Mardapi, D, The Development Of Instrument For Assessing Students’ Affective Domain Using Self- And Peer-Assessment Models, Prosiding Seminar Internasional UST 2017, Yogyakarta
Setiawan, A, & Suhesti, D.S. (2018), Identification of Character Values On Adiwiyata School, Proceeding International Seminar on Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa: Yogyakarta
Tim Adiwiyata Nasional. (2011). Panduan Adiwiyata Sekolah Peduli dan Berbudaya Lingkungan. Jakarta: Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup

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