Kamis, 03 Januari 2019

Rev 2 WijiAstuti Implementation of Environmental Education

Implementation of Environmental Education
by :WijiAstuti

Adiwiyata is one of the key programs of the Ministry of Environment aimed at promoting knowledge and awareness about environmental conservation efforts among the student community in Indonesia. This program aims to support and make schoolwhich care and have culture of environment that is able to participant and do theconservation and sustainable development for this era and the next generation. Byimplementing this program, school’s citizen especially students are expected to havecharacter of caring and culturing, and also to support and form human resources who havenational character toward the development of economy, social and their environment toachieve the sustainable development in that area.This program aims to create a caring school environment. As such, it supports the development of policies in the field of learning, capacity building, environmental protection, creation of a healthy and clean school environment and the use of funds for activities related to solving environmental problems.
Adiwiyataschool according to Environment Minister (2011:3) is defined as a proper and ideal place to achieve all science knowledge and norm also ethics used for the base of human on prosperity life and sustainable development. Adiwiyataschool in Indonesia is develop to form character of nation toward norm and ethic. The important value being developed is care, especially environment care. Nevertheless other characters may not beshown by this program.The publicpolicy on the environmental education as the response of the world communities and the national demands aboutthe importance of knowledge, values, attitudes, behavior and knowledge about the environment that it is neededto be given early to the whole society and the learners.The implementation of adiwiyata program school is expected to be a variation inlearning process in order to grow student’s character. This is the based of research. It is needed to identity character value to improved instrument assessment of student’scharacter in Adiwiyata School.The implementation of adiwiyata program school is expected to be a variation inlearning process in order to grow student’s character (Setiawan, 2018.)
The implementation of the important policies should beimplemented in the Environmental Education which is integrated with the character education which ispositioned as a separate subject or a comprehensive approach.  So, it is more effective in achievement of theobjectives. The role of the school principals and teachers are very strategic to optimize the exemplary attitudesby the constructivist and contextual learning model.Adiwiyata program will be succeeding if every civilian of school such as headmasters, teachers, administrativestaffs, individual service officers, and school committees in relation to involve in this program
From the above discussion, this program aims to create a caring school environment. As such, it supports the development of policies in the field of learning, capacity building, environmental protection, creation of a healthy and clean school environment and the use of funds for activities related to solving environmental problems ,adiwiyata also can increase the competence of school output. The output competence of education consists of cognitive, affective and psychomotor of knowledge of logical, affective is relating to attitude and behavior, while psychomotor is relating to skill. Attitude and behavior of someone is based on character inside him (Mardapi and Setiawan, 2018).
Mardapi, D &Setiawan,A. (2018), PenilaianAfektif, Yogyakarta: Parama Publishing
MenteriLingkunganHidupRepublik Indonesia. (2013).  PeraturanMenteriLingkunganHidupRepublik Indonesia No. 05 Tahun 2013 tentangPedomanPelaksanaan Program Adiwiyata. http:blh.jogjaprov.go.id/po-content/uploads/Permen-LH-No-05-th-2013-Tentang-Pedoman Adiwiyata.pdf  
Razif. M dkk( 2017) .Investigating Citizen Behavior Intention on Mandatory and Voluntary Pro-Environmental Programs through a Pro-Environmental Planned Behavior Model. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/7/1289

Santoso,B.I&Razif.M ( 2016). Prediction of CO, CO2, CH4, and N2O Vehicle Emissions from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) at Toll Road of Krian-Legundi-Bunder in East Java of Indonesia.http://www.sphinxsai.com/2016/ch_vol9_no3/3/(653-664)V9N3CT.pdf.
Setiawan,A. &Suhesti, S.D. (2018). Identification of Character Values OnAdiwiyata School, Proceeding International on Education). http://jurnal.ustjogja.ac.id

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Rev 2 WijiAstuti Implementation of Environmental Education

Implementation of Environmental Education by :WijiAstuti Adiwiyata is one of the key programs of the Ministry of Environment aimed a...