Rabu, 02 Januari 2019


            Implementation curriculum 2013 has arranged by goverment. In there said, that students must have creative and critical. And the teacher just as fasilisator . Student should have in good comunication , good thinking and can decice about the problem by themselves. The graduation of seniors high school are hoped to be a good student in psycomotor too.
            Permendikbud No 022  2013 is about process standart education is held by interactive, inspirative, enjoyable, challenge to be active and give enough space for initiating, creativity and suitable with talent, interest . Based on this , Teacher must have a good strategy to increase students mind. The option of strategy is very important to make student think better. For example in Kimia lesson, we can take cooperative and inquiry learning model. This model can be based by nature fenomenal, using book, Internet and video or other Media or student centred approach. The characteristic of inquiry approach is impressed by students activities to look for and find students as subject, all activities are done by students. Students are asked to find and look for by themselves. So it can increase self belief and can increase their mind to think by systematic , logic and critical and can develope intelektual ability.  (Wina Sanjaya, 2009: 196-197).
            Chemistry lesson impressed in process psycomotor development and product. Five concepts in this model which included IPA to apply implementation of model development , Discovery learning, Project Based Learning, Problem based learning, Model Learning Cycle, and Model Science tecnology and Society or Techology and sociecty or STS ( Devi,2017.P8)
We can say that Kimia lesson is very good for students because it use laboratory And in the laboratory students study directly as experiment which need good kmowlwdge and attitude. So it is suitable with curriculum 2013. After they study about it , we can do evaluation to know about the measure the project and compare with the destination and how to reach it. Arikunto, (2007:222 ) evaluation is a process which done to decide about the benefit of that program and think the process and techic which used to do the reseach.

So, why we should chemistry in our life. There are some reasons, i will give you
a.    Chemistry helps you to understand the world around you. Why do leaves change color in the fall? Why are plants green? How is cheese made? What is in soap and how does it clean? These are all questions that can be answeredby applying chemistry.
  1. Basic knowledge of chemistry helps you to read and understand product labels.
  2. Chemistry can help you make informed decisions. Will a product work as advertised or is it a scam? If you understand how chemistry works you'll be able to separate reasonable expectations from pure fiction.
  3. Chemistry is at the heart of cooking. If you understand the chemical reactions involved in making baked goods rise or neutralizing acidity or thickening sauces, chances are you'll be a better cook.
  4. A command of chemistry can help keep you safe! You'll know which household chemicals are dangerous to keep together or mix and which can be used safely.
  5. Chemistry teaches useful skills. Because it is a science, learning chemistry means learning how to be objective and how to reason and solve problems.
  1. Helps you to understand current events, including news about petroleum, product recalls, pollution, the environment and technological advances.
  2. Makes life's little mysteries a little less mysterious. Chemistry explains how things work.
  3. Chemistry opens up career options. There are many careers in chemistry, but even if you're looking for a job in another field, the analytical skills you gained in chemistry are helpful. Chemistry applies to the food industry, retail sales, transportation, art, homemaking... really any type of work you can name.
4.    Chemistry is fun! There are lots of interesting chemistry projects you can do using common everyday materials. Chemistry projects don't just go boom. They can glow in the dark, change colors, produces bubbles and change states.

Setiawan, A.  & Suardiman, S.P. (2018). Assessment of the social attitude of primary school students, REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 4(1), 2018. p. 12- 21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/reid.v4i1.19284
Arikunto, S (2007), Manajement penelitian, jakarta:Rineka Cipta
Kurotul Aeni, (2014) .Penguatan peran kurikulum 2013 dalam pembangunan karakter bangsa upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan, Proceding Seminar nasional dan Temu Alumni- Peran Pendidikan dalam pembangunan karakter Bangsa, (pp.210-212)
Mendikbud RI, Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 022 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Penilaian ( 2013 )
Wina Sanjaya ( 2009 : 196/197 )

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