Rabu, 02 Januari 2019



 Adiwiyata school is one of program which goverment held for school. We can see in Enviroment Ministry law No 5, in 2013 say that “Adiwiyata School is done based on educative, participative and  sustainable principle. It can be said that all is done not one by one, it means all factors have done in one place.In order to be success program. Adiwiyata school not only done in elementary school but also all schools is  like yunior high school, senior high school even in the university.
When schools do adiwiyata program , it can increase the competence of school output. I will describe about it, the output competence of education consists of cognitive, affective and psychomotor of knowledge of logical, affective is relating to attidute and behaviour of someone is based on character inside him (Mardapi and Setiawan,2018). The competence of output not only for graduate but also for the society, So a graduate will have a good character and the knowledge can be used in society or real life. And affective involves attitude. Value, moral, emotion, etcetera (Mardhapi & Setiawan, 2018 )
Goverment has tried to build good characters in education , but school just do about cognitive because of knowlegde , but adiwiyata needs more than cognitive . it prefers afective and psycomotor.So the goverment try to change it with education and find stratrgic to do character education well so that the output can be success .And the implementation of adiwiyata program school is expeceted to be a variation in learning process in order to grow students character.
Hamzah (2013:43) caring of enviroment is a mental caharacters of  human in their behaviours.And Tadkiroatun Musrifoh in Sulistyowati (2012:20) Caharcter is mental and behaviour. Syukri Hamzah ( 2013:43) Character in enviroment is not from their mind but the result of education process.Darmiyati Zuctidi in Adisusilo (2013:77) Charactres is a grups  characteristic as symbol of people grows .
1.       Development of a participatory policy for the integration of Education for Sustainable Development into school curriculum
  1. Creation of a cross-subject learning model based on the environment, which raises awareness amongst students about environmental challenges and enables them to identify these challenges
  2. Development of environmental and extracurricular activities that promote commitment towards environmental protection
  3. Monitoring of external events affecting the environment
  4. Development of renewable energy at school
  5. Development of a waste management system
  6. Use of good quality, healthy food

Adisusilo, Sutarjo, 2013 Pembelajaran  nilai karakter kontrukstivisme and Vcr sebagai inofasi pendekatan afektif , Jakarta
Hamzah, Sykri, 2013, Pendidikan lingkungan , Sekelumit wawasan penghantar bandung, refika aditama
setiawan, A, & Fadil, identifikasi Nilai nilai sikap sosial pada
pembelajaran tematik sekolah dasar, prosiding kongres HEPI 2017,
Kalimantan Selatan, Banjarmasin
Setiawan, A & Mardapi, D, The development of instrument for Assesing Students Afective Domain Using Self-And Peer Assesment Models, Psosiding Seminar Internasional UST 2017, Yogyakarta.
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia, ( 2013), Peraturan Mentri
Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia, No 05 ahun 2013 tentang Pedoman
Pelaksanaan Program adiwiyata

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