Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Rev 1 Indartiningsih Character Values of Adiwiyata School

Character Values of Adiwiyata School

By Indartiningsih

There were various problems faced by Indonesia today increased the spirit and the efforts of government to prioritize character building as the basic of education development. The spirit asserted implicitly in the Character Education Reinforcement movement (PPK) as the embodiment of the National Movement of the Mental Revolution (GNRM) as well as a part of Integral Nawacita. Character building placed as the base to realize the vision of national development (Triwardani & Sarmini, 2013).
The government efforts to improve nation moral decline, especially the awareness of environment, were by introducing character building especially the value of environmental caring in the school (Mulyana, 2009; Potter, 2010). The realization of the agreement between the Minister of Environment and the Minister of National Education on 21 February 2006, proclaimed Adiwiyata program or School Cares and Cultured environment (Isnaeni, 2013).
The Adiwiyata Program was a step to create a school that has commitment to educate students who were care and cultured environment (KLH, 2013). Adiwiyata Program provided award on a graded from Adiwiyata School at City / District level, Province, National and Mandiri.
The Principles of Adiwiyata Program placed on two basic principles: (1) Participatory: School communities involved in school management which covering the whole process of planning, implementation and evaluation according to the responsibilities and the roles, (2) Sustainability: All activities must be planned and continuously comprehensive (Barkatin, 2016).
The Adiwiyata school indicators included (1) Development of school polices which have environmentally sound; (2) Development of curriculum which was environment-based; (3) Development of activities which was participative-based; (4) Development and management of school support facilities (Hidayati et al., 2013).
The word character derived from the Greek ’charassein’, which means to engrave (painting, drawing), like a person who painting paper, carving stones or metal. Rooted in that explanation, then character interpreted as a sign or a special feature, and thus rised a view that character was the pattern of behavior that have individual feature, the moral state of a person (Sudrajat, 2011). The character formed from the nature of a person's descriptions that relatively stable and believed also used as a foundation of perspective, thinking, attitude and action (Kemendikbud, 2011; Stedje, 2010; Ovadia & Steger, 2010).
 It was also confirmed by the results of research Chou et al. (2013) which states that "Morality and character is one of the most important tenets of education".
The value of the characters examined in this study is the value of environmental care. The value of environmental carring was an attitude and an actions that always try to prevent the damage of nature and develop the efforts to repair natural damaged. The value of environmental carring was demonstrated by an attitudes and an actions to develop the efforts to repair the natural damaged (Azzet, 2011). Kollmuss & Agyeman (2002) described environmental caring behavior as a behavior that consciously attempts to minimize the negative impact caused by someone activity on the environment. Kaiser & Fuhrer (2003) Umi Fadlilah, Sri Ngabekti, Lisdiana. / JISE 7 (1) 2018 : 53-61 55 mentioned that environmental cares included six domains: energy saving, mobility and environmentally friendly transportation, eco-friendly purchasing behavior, recycling, environmental caring behavior, and waste minimization behavior.
The competence of output is not only for the graduate but also for the society. So a graduate must have good character that his competence can be useful for the society.
Adiwiyata program will be succeeding if every civilian of school, such as teachers, student’s and staffs involved in this program. School program also support every component of Adiwiyata School. Every component of adiwiyata program has a role condition of school environment in habiting the value of care especially care of school environment. This program is done by elementary to senior high school even college or university. The sustainable of this program by education institution can grow the care character as a habit. So that the goal of adiwiyata will be reached (Setiawan and Suhesti, 2018).


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